"The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease. "-Thomas Edison

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Cold vs Heat, How Should We Treat?

One of the most common questions people have about dealing with pain is whether to apply ice or heat to provide relief. A condensed answer to this question depends on how long the pain has been recurring. Most times, ice will be used when controlling a new injury because its coldness reduces inflammation by decreasing blood flow to the injury. When a person is dealing with more chronic pain, on the other hand, heat should be applied. Heat brings blood to the area and promotes healing.
Cold treatment should be used for at least 24 hours after an injury and may be used up to a week to limit swelling. Ice packs or frozen gel packs are ideal to use, but make sure they are not directly in contact with the skin; a towel or compression wrap may be used as a barrier. Also, limit ice application to 20 minutes but repeat approximately every hour. Dry or moist heat can be used to treat recurring pain. However, moist heat tends to penetrate the skin and tissues better than dry heat. Sources of heat may come from the following: heat pads, hot water bottle, gel packs, or hot water baths. Remember to keep a barrier between the heating device and skin, and do not apply heat for more than 20 minutes. It is also recommended to not use heat if there is swelling or if you have poor circulation or diabetes.

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