"The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease. "-Thomas Edison

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New "Free" Class Starting: A Matter of Balance

Winter is here to stay and along with it came the inevitable snow and ice.  This can put a huge damper on anyone’s social life, leaving many pf us with the “winter blues.”  Many times we are unable to safely go places, and are hesitant to leave home due to the possibility of an accident or falling.  Soon spring will come and we will get back to not thinking twice about stepping out the door.  For some people though (this may be you or likely someone you know) that fear of leaving the house never goes away due to a lingering concern of having an accident, falling, and feeling helpless.  Agape Therapy offers a class called A Matter of Balance to help individuals with those very real and burdening fears of falling.  If you are: concerned about falls, have sustained a fall in the past, restrict activities because of concerns about falling, are interested in improving your flexibility, balance, and strength, and are age 60 or older ambulatory and able to problem-solve this class is for you.  A new session will be beginning Feb. 7th 2012 at the Cedar Falls Agape Therapy and will be provided free thanks to the Wellmark Foundation.  For more information and to sign up please call 277-3166.