"The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease. "-Thomas Edison

Monday, June 17, 2013

Proper Lifting Mechanics


Improper lifting is a huge cause of lower back (and back, in general) injuries, so knowing proper lifting mechanics is very important and can save people from years of pain and discomfort. 
STEP1. It is always important to examine what you'll be lifting before you go to pick it up. You want to know how big and how heavy it is, and if you need help, go get someone! Don't be a hero!!!
 STEP 2. Be sure you are on firm, level ground to give you the best lifting surface possible. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and one foot slightly in front of the other.

STEP3. Try to keep your back as straight and upright as possible. The goal is to be as perpendicular to the ground as possible, not horizontal. 
STEP 4. Bend at your KNEES, not your waist or back.
STEP 5. Once you begin to lift the object tighten your core muscles to stabilize your back, and let your legs do all the work. 
STEP 6. Carry the object as close to your body as possible, and remember not to twist your body, but rather turn with your hips, and face the object.

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