"The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease. "-Thomas Edison

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Fibromyalgia patients..there may be an answer for your pain?

For those of you that battle with Fibromyalgia, there may be some answers.  If you are having unexplainable pain, and fatigue that joins in on the battle there may be some answers.  The word nutrition is making people cringe any more.  This is probably because deep down we know it's a huge factor in our health and the way our bodies function.  The other side of the coin may have to do with your hormones, whether you are male or female.  Taking an integrated apporach to your care for Fibro. is the way to go.  Learn how to do that for yourself.  If you have some questions and would just like more information on things that can be done for you please email agape@agapetherapy.com and get some of those answers.  Let us help you win that battle!

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