"The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease. "-Thomas Edison

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Inflammatory Causing Foods

Inflammation is the healthy response to injury and infection. The inflammatory process is a way of defending our bodies by sending immune cells and key nutrients to affected areas. However, there is a difference between inflammation as a defense mechanism and chronic inflammation, which can be potentially dangerous. Chronic inflammation may occur from being overweight, experiencing lots of stress, and living a sedentary lifestyle, and it may lead to numerous other diseases.

Last week we talked about foods that can reduce inflammation. Today we will discuss some foods which can be known for causing inflammation. In order to limit inflammation, try avoiding excessive intake of the following foods.

Alcohol – Over consumption of alcoholic beverages may increase your body’s inflammatory response, especially in the liver, larynx, and stomach.

Bagels and other starches – These foods typically contain gluten, which can trigger an inflammatory response that leads to bloating or digestion changes.

Sugary foods – Foods ranging anywhere from Snickers to sweetened yogurt can increase blood glucose levels. Heightened levels promote the release of chemical messengers that elevates the body’s immune response.

Trans fats – Too much can damage the cells lining the blood vessels, which in turn, induces inflammation.

Omega 6 fatty acids – These are found in common cooking oils like canola, corn and soybean oil. They expose our bodies to free radicals which cause inflammation. Olive oil or coconut oils are more stable fats that should be used instead.

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