"The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease. "-Thomas Edison

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The time is now!

"If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?" What a great notion. Start from this point forward. Make good decisions, stick to a plan, and allow for some breaks and free time...success is sure to follow whether it is your weight, schedule, relationships, or family responsibilities etc. There is no better time than the present. Happy Holidays.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Power fo the Mind


Here is a really good article about how to better control your mind and thoughts and successes! It's based on conscious thought vs. subconscious thought. It's worth it for you to take a look!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sugar Craze.


Check out the above link and see how your sugar literally stacks up in the food and drinks you enjoy. Gross!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Friendly Reminders

Don't you wish you could have a friendly health tip reminder when you are standing in line to get food so that you will make a healthier choice?
Now you can, Dr. Matt Smith has a Twitter account and he is sending great information out. Simply go to twitter.com/drmattsmithpt and get signed up!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Seminar Reminder

Tonight (Mon. July 19th) Dr. Tom is doing a Free Seminar on Wellness Watch-Creating Wellness and B.E.S.T.
The next seminar will be next Monday July 26th and it is on "From the Heart" - Who's Driving This Bus "An Experiential Evening" 6-8pm

Wellness Challenge over 1/2 done!

Hello friends!
We are more than half way done with our Wellness Challenge! It is going so fast. Being able to partner with the local businesses and give the participants a chance to step out of the box has been amazing. I'm proud of each business that partnered with us to do something good for the community. This week we have Nicky with NRG Pilates going get our Core workin! If you are interested in trying one of the Sat. sessions please email me at avanarkel@agapetherapy.com and you can give it a go for FREE!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Wellness Challenge Update

It was a beautiful day for the Wellness Challenge at Overman Park on Saturday (June 19th). A big thank to Scott Gall, owner of The Runner's Flat, for coming and talking to us. Scott shared with us his knowledge of running and walking mechanics, foot striking, and cadence. We went for a walk by the river putting into practice our new knowledge and gearing up for this upcoming weekend's Sturgis Falls 5K! The next Wellness Challenge event after the 5K is Zumba at Gateway Park. Be sure to check out the website for all of the new and exciting things going on at Agape Therapy.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Agape Therapy's Community Wellness Challenge is off to a great start! Mary McInnis Meyer, from Field of Yoga led our challenge participants through various poses and instruction at her studio on 4th St. in downtown Cedar Falls Saturday. The rain didn't hold off, but the beautiful studio and complimentary tea after the workout made up for the weather. After loosening up with some poses the participants enjoyed the dynamic chair movement and finished up with relaxation inversion poses that everyone could do with some modification. Thanks to Mary, and We'll be continuing the challenge with Runner's Flat and Agape leading loop d' loop intervals on the Cedar Valley's great trail system.

Kristin - Wellness Specialist @ Agape Therapy

Monday, June 7, 2010

"You can heal your life" Louise Hay

In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole and complete. I now choose calmly and objectively to see my old patterns, and I am willing to make changes, I am teachable. I can learn. I am willing to change. I choose to have fun doing this. I choose to react as though I have found a treasure when I discover something else to release. I see and feel myself changing moment by moment. Thoughts no longer have any power over me. I am the power in the world. I chose to be free. All is well in my world.

Wellness Challenge

Saturday June 5th amidst the crazy rain the Community Wellness Challenge launched. It was a success. Nikki Carrion from FitXpress came in and did a fantastic job leading the group in a sampler of what is to come with Pilates, Yoga and Tai Chi. The challenge is something we would like to keep up. So if you are a local business that would like to get involved let us now. Also, if you are a community member that would like to take the challenge please email me avanarkel@agapetherapy.com and we will get you on the list! Check out our website for all our offerings, we are ever changing, growing and improving for meeting your wellness needs.
Have a great day and enjoy the summer.

Monday, March 22, 2010


Our wellness efforts now have some roots and we couldn't be more excited. In April we are launching our Creating Wellness initiative. For $25 in celebration of our 25th Anniversary we are offering you your Wellness Quotient (evaluation). That number is a number that quantifies where your wellness is at. Your wellness is not a you are sick, or you are not. It is on a continuum of how well are you. That continuum shifts as we age etc. and we want to do things to stop it form lowering. The evaluation is a full spectrum treatment. Check out our website or give us a call and we can visit about it.

Also feel free to email me via the website or using avanarkel@agapetherapy.com

To your wellness!


B.E.S.T. TREATMENT is here! April 1st Dr. Tom will officially launch his practice in Agape Therapy. Evaluations are 45 minutes and after that treatment times are about 15 minutes.

Don't forget to ask about the Creating Wellness evaluations.

B.E.S.T. Release

Tues. March 39th Dr. Tom will be holding another seminar on B.E.S.T. Release. This is information you can use on you and your family and friends on assessing where some imbalance is and doing an at home treatment. Very helpful stuff.

6pm at Agape Therapy.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Dr. Tom Dueker, D.C.

We would like to introduce to our building, Dr. Thomas Dueker, D.C. Dr. Tom is a Chiropractor that specializes in the B.E.S.T Technique. Bioenergetic Synchronization Technique is an amazing treatment protocol addressing the real root of your physical symptoms. There is no "popping" involved. Colicky babies, upset husbands, ambiguous low back pain, chronic pain that won't go away, and so much more, are all things Dr. Tom will address on your visit.

This is a very unique treatment that shows GREAT success. It will ask you to think out of your box, but we think you you will welcome the refreshing change. Give us a call if you have any questions.

Wellness...why is it necessary.

Wellness is almost becoming a two cent word now-a-days. Don't get caught up in the cliche of the word. Wellness is a very important perspective on health. It's the difference in the success of our health and health care or the continual downward spiral that both are in now! Wellness is preventative, integrating, and a total body approach to your individual needs. You must think outside of the box. Get away from our societal norms of what healthy is. How do you do that you may ask. Understand yourself, research and find something that strikes your fancy. Learn and start on the journey to understanding you deep rooted needs, it will take you where it needs to if you let it. Also, of course Agape staff can help you. We have Agape Omadas (therapeutic fitness classes), therapeutically minded Personal Trainers, Wellness Specialists, Massage Therapist, Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapists. New at Agape is Dr. Tom Deuker and his B.E.S.T. Technique! There is a lot we are offering, check us out, you will be happy you did!

Check out the classes!

The Agape Omada classes are designed for those of us that need to get active, but need a foundation to build on. It is important to understand what we need as an individual and then turning that in to activity that we understand the whys and hows of. Benefits of our Agape Omadas are small class size, safe and more private setting in the lower level of our CF clinic, and instructors geared towards therapeutic care. Give us a call if you have questions, we'd love to help you out.

Monday, January 18, 2010

2010! It's here already!

Everyone! It's due time to look at the Agape Omadas classes. Classes begin Jan. 25th and are on a "rotating" schedule. Class size is limited to 7. You will get a high level of individualized attention and the classes are centered on restoring balance physically and mentally. Expect to be educated on understanding and using your body appropriately. Don't forget to take a glance at the Mind-Body type classes, especially if you can't figure out how to relax and get restored. See ya soon! If you have questions, please go to the homepage of our website and click on the Ask A Question button.

Administrative Position

To everyone who applied for the administrative position thank you! Last week we did fill the position. We had at least 250 applications. It's a tough economy out there, and we pray you will find the job that fits you best! Have a blessed 2010.